Dental & Medical

Collection: Dental & Medical

Cleaner pH (Lsg.) Dangerous goods Cleaning goods Suitable materials Contamination Dosing in the ultrasonic bath Application parameters in the ultrasonic bath Headline Text Headline Text
EC 10
10 Yes Dental and medical instruments, laboratory equipment, crowns, impression trays, etc. Stainless steel, ceramic, plastic, glass and rubber Not for aluminum, zinc and light metal alloys! Proteins, blood, saliva, tissue/bone residues, fats, oils, grinding and polishing pastes 5 % = 50 ml EC 10 + 950 ml water Up to 10 % possible for heavy soiling. 4 - 10 min, 50 - 80 °C Immersion bath: 15 - 30 min, 50 - 80 °C Fresh blood & protein residues < 42 °C Headline Headline
EC 25
Alginates and Plasters
12 No Dental and medical instruments, impression trays Stainless steel, ceramic, plastic and glass Check light metal alloys for resistance beforehand! Alginates, dental plasters, impression materials e.g. silicone Undiluted Dental plaster: 1 - 3 min, 40 - 70 °C Alginates: 15 - 45 min, 60 - 70 °C Line 1 Line 1
EC 35
Prostheses Daily
7 No Dental prostheses Metal, ceramic and plastic Organic impurities, food residues, deposits and biofilms 2 % = 20 ml EC 35 + 980 ml water 3 min room temperature Line 2 Line 2
EC 60
Acidic Intense
1 Yes Dental and medical instruments, crowns, bridges, prostheses, laboratory equipment, workpieces Stainless steel, metals, ceramics, plastic and glass Not for light metals! Risk of tarnishing with different metals in a cleaning bath! Rust, limescale, grease, oils, dark stains from disinfectants and autoclaving, cement, tartar, flux and metal oxides 1 - 10 %, or 5% = 50 ml EC 60 + 950 ml water Immersion bath: > 3 %, vzw. 20% = 200 ml EC 60 + 800 ml water 1 - 5 min, 40 - 70 °C Line 3 Line 3